
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Changing Diapers

Dear Uncles & Aunties,

I have just discovered the Art of Changing Diapers and would like to show you my proud findings:

Step 1: During a diaper change always keep one hand on baby

Step 2: Lay your baby down & unfaster the dirty diaper, gently grasp both ankles with one hand,lift up, and slide the diaper out.

Step 3: Sweep your cloth or baby wipe from front to back to keep genitals clean. Clean between baby's folds of skin too, then apply lotions or creams.

Step 4: Place a clean diaper under your baby, fasteners to back. Wrap the diaper between baby's legs, open tabs. Wrap & fasten the side closest to you first, then face baby towards you for the other side.

Step 5: Nappies are designed to adjust to your baby's shape for a comfortable fit. You do not have to fold the waistband in or out or adjust the leg cuffs. Place tabs parallel to the waistband & evenly fastened on the characters present on the waistband.

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